Swordwritings VII-Sword owning
Only a limited number of items in this world can be as personal as owning a Sword can be...
Furthermore, for those who achieve a high level of practice, it can bring a connection, between the man his sword and the Art, that could be resembled to a “fusion”.
At moments like this, when all becomes one, a feeling rises:
"Does my Katana belong entirely to me or do I also belong to it?!"
This sounds more like a Zen riddle, or, as we have it in the West, an academic question...A Master is first and foremost measured for his skill and experience. Also, in many ways, for the students "that he has".
But does he have them or do they have him?!
For the most part, it is the Master who belongs to his students and not the other way round.
Just give it a thought... The Master stands at the center of things, swirling around "his" Art. While the students gather and revolve around him. The students’ "orbit", around their Master, might be tight, close, far, decaying or abandoning...Owning is the surface
belonging is the deeper sense...September 26, 2018